Thursday, August 11, 2011

i suppose i should introduce myself

i'm kristina, sometimes known as rina. i'm not entirely sure why i started this blog, and i'm still not sure what to do with it, but i guess we'll see where this takes me!

here's a few facts to get to know me:
-i wear a dress almost every day (winter too.) it suits me, and at this point my friends get concerned if i wear pants for a day.

-i love to sew! i can't name a specific age that i started, but it's always been in my life some way or another. i'm completely self-taught, and i never use patterns because they always manage to confuse me. it's still a learning process, and i've got a long way to go- but i'm really enjoying myself in the mean time!

-i play the melodica (badly) and tap (also badly). i would love to be a tap percussionist or melodica player in a band some day. (assuming i begin to suck less).

-although i don't very often, i really enjoy baking. the irony is that i don't enjoy eating baked goods whatsoever, so i always end up with cupcakes just sitting in my house. 

-i have an unexplainable affinity for architecture. when i was younger i was convinced i would be an architect one day, but now i'm not so sure. there's so many other things i want to do! i've settled on keeping an architecture an interest, because loving something doesn't mean i have to do it! it will always be an influence on me regardless.

-if a zombie apocalypse happens, i'm down. i like zombies.

now that i'm thinking of these things, i feel like i could go on forever! :P i'll save you the trouble though, more fun facts to come. :)

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